December update!

It’s been a busy couple of months since our last blog post, chock-a-block with great PR and marketing activity. We’ve been working our little socks off, and we’re really pleased with what we’ve achieved, so we thought we’d let you all know what we’ve been up to!

We’ve had two busy launches with TeamSport, with fantastic new tracks opening in both Acton and Reading. Both tracks are already proving popular with journalists and local karting enthusiasts alike, and it looks like it’s going to be a jam-packed Christmas period for everyone at TeamSport.

We’ve had a number of exciting developments with Forces War Records. In September they launched their Forces DNA service, which allows members of the public to find out more about their ancestry going back many generations. We even tested Rory Bremner’s DNA and found that he had Middle Eastern family members in generations past.

The guys over at Forces War Records have also been busy transcribing and digitising thousands of records from a collection of over 1.5 military hospital records. To celebrate the release of these records, TV historian Neil Oliver helped us explain the records to people all over the country in a very successful radio day (over 150 pieces of broadcast coverage!)

We’ve also helped provide historical information and insights to a number of stories over the last couple of months with great results. In fact, we even got a sneak preview of Sainsbury’s beautiful World War 1 themed Christmas advert when they asked FWR for their thoughts.

Closer to home we’ve also been helping launch the new The North Face and Timberland store in Guildford. We started out with a bang with a joint event with the Guildford Book Festival; we managed to entice Griff Rhys Jones into the store, and he gave a great talk about his new book.

Since the event we’ve been keeping our foot on the pedal with regular railway station concourse take-overs, promotional events on Guildford High Street and three very popular competitions. We also took over social media promotion for the store, with successful campaigns both on Twitter and Facebook.

With Christmas fast approaching we’ve managed to squeeze in a lot of preparation for our newest client; The Live-In Homecare Information Hub, a group of 13 of the UK’s leading live-in homecare providers. Homecare offers a real alternative to residential and nursing care. Our clients feel so passionately about what they do that they have put competition aside to promote this little known service together.

Together we’ve developed a beautiful logo and informative website: We’ve also started up a Twitter account as a platform to promote all the good work they’re doing to those making decisions about the care of elderly relatives.

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