Despite our blogging hiatus The View HQ has been buzzing with activity and it seems these Duracell-bunny months have not gone unrecognised. September saw an email ping into our inbox informing us that The View has been shortlisted as a finalist for The Majors in association with The Drum! This is the first year of The Majors and we are thrilled to be a finalist in two categories: Major PR and Major Creative.
Including work for a military genealogy specialist, The View put together a unique package for each category which was then scrutinized and judged by directors from companies such as Facebook, Google and John Lewis. Being given a nod from these global brands is incredibly exciting.

Keep everything crossed for us…
Lastly, if you follow us on Twitter (@wearetheview) you will have seen that The View turned 6 in August! Every birthday should be celebrated with a dogs-in-party-hats themed card and ours was no exception.